Writing VSCode Extensions

December 05, 2019

After writing my first chrome extension last week. Today, I explored writing a language support vscode extension for writing TagUI scripts.

Interesting capabilities of vscode extensions

  1. Access the filesystem.
  2. Register commands to the command palette.
  3. Register context menu items (when right-clicking).
  4. Store data.
  5. Display notifications.
  6. Get user input through a wizard (called QuickPick).
  7. Change colors of code/UI.
  8. Change file icons.
  9. Show info when hovering some api.
  10. Add autocomplete for a language.
  11. Show information in the status bar.
  12. Show custom content (with WebView API).
  13. Highlight syntax for a language.

On language extensions

You can write a Language Server, which is text-editor-agnostic, or just code directly for vscode.

I’ll write more as I discover more.

Written and maintained by Siow Yi Sheng